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19-21/8 The 1st Hong Kong Coin Show









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2016-8-12 21:26:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hi all,

The 2016 Inaugural Hong Kong Coin Show will begin from 19th to 21st August at the Ballroom of the Mira Hotel held by Stack's Bowers and Ponterio Co. Ltd. , Spink & Sons Ltd., Shouxi.com and Coin-In-Coin.

The show is believed to attract numismatic organizations and dealers from all over the world and to be the best coin show through live auction, grading, trade and offline communication. Meanwhile, the show will be the standard to make Hong Kong as the world-class coin center to enhance numismatic globalization.

There will be 119 top numismatic organizations and dealers around the world taking with their wonderful collection to be traded and appreciated. During the show, except for the live auctions of SBP, Spink, Rarehouse, there will be several coin grading held by PCGS, NGC, GBCA as well. The rich and varied events will constitute a golden week for everyone.

As the joint organizers, Spink & Sons Ltd., Stack's Bowers and Ponterio Co. Ltd., Shouxi.com and Coin-In-Coin separately serve in the United Kingdom, the United States, China mainland and Hong Kong. They are the leading brands of their fields and provide online interaction platform, offline Sales, coin auctions, coin show etc, including Chinese coins, foreign coins, banknotes and other collection categories. The strength brings the complement across the different locations and cultures. In addition, they are all expert in planning and organizing with rich customer resources to prepare the show.

Spink, Stack's Bowers and Ponterio, Shoxi.com and Coin-In-Coin have been partners for many years and know each other very deeply so that every task will be accomplished effectivly. Besides, their coherent method and expection of coin collection are drives of the show and will ensure the show's long-term validity.

Find more infomation from the official website: http://www.hongkongcoinshow.com/index_eng.html

The schedule: http://www.hongkongcoinshow.com/schedule_eng.html

The Floor plan: http://www.hongkongcoinshow.com/exhibitor02_eng.html

The exhibitors list: http://www.hongkongcoinshow.com/exhibitor_eng.html

Contact Us
The HKCS Official Email: Email: info@hongkongcoinshow.com

Stack's Bowers, Tel: +852 2117 1191,Email: InfoHK@StacksBowers.com
SPINK, Tel: +852 3952 3000, Email: china@spink.com

Coin in Coin, Tel: +86.20.8130 2460, Email: 13925059363@163.com

Shouxi,Tel: +86.10.6266 9610,Email: abc@shouxi.com

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